2021 ILO “From Research to Action” Project Fellowship

Deadline: April 16, 2021.

The “From Research to Action” (RTA) project aims at accelerating the use of rigorous research by
policymakers and practitioners in support to efforts to tackle child labour, forced labour, and human
trafficking around the world. To safeguard the rights of all workers, including migrant workers, this project
commits to engage researchers and promote new interest to strengthen the evidence base for achieving SDG

The fellowship will be awarded through a global competition. ILO and IOM are committed to a diverse and
inclusive workplace. Applications are particularly welcomed from qualified candidates from the Global South,
female, and underrepresented populations in the research community.


  1. Individuals who have recently obtained a PhD, currently enrolled a PhD program, or hold a master’s
    degree with five years of relevant research and teaching experience in a variety of disciplines – such
    as, but not limited to, anthropology, child development, economics, health, public policy, psychology,
    sociology, gender studies and statistics – in rigorous research of direct relevance for policies relating
    to child labour, forced labour, and human trafficking.
  2. Are affiliated with a university or research institute.

The Fellow(s) require a combination of the following skills and experience:

1. Advanced training in either quantitative or qualitative research methodology demonstrating either:
2. A sound grasp of economic and statistical theory and their application to practical policy issues.
3. A sound background in qualitative research, such as comparative case studies.
4. Ability to analyse data and information and to solve problems.
5. Good writing skills.
6. Ability to communicate complex technical ideas to non-specialists, verbally and in writing.
7. Demonstrated interest and experience in the subject matter of this fellowship.
8. Ability to work independently and meet strict deadlines.
9. Motivated to seize the opportunities of this fellowship, become an active member of the hosting
university or research institute.
10. Ability to think creatively about complex foreign policy ideas to come up with interesting and unique
article topics.
11. Willingness to learn and accept advice.


Each fellow will be awarded up to US$18,000 for the period of 12 months


Applicants must complete the online application form in English and send the following documents in one
PDF document to rtaproject@ilo.org with the subject title “RTA fellowship application, [Last name], [first
The complete package must include:

• A cover Letter summarizing the applicant’s experience and motivations
• A detailed Curriculum Vitae
• A recommendation letter from the proposed supervisor;
• Letter from the university or research institution stating their willingness in hosting the fellow
• A research proposal of 3-5 pages specifying the objectives of the work, the methodology, and its
relevance in the field of child labour, forced labour, or human trafficking
• A publication record or up to 3 academic writing samples on research areas related to this call.

Click here to visit the official website


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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