2024 JournalismAI Fellowship Programme


JournalismAI Fellowship Programme 2024 (up to £6,000) – Opportunity Desk

The JournalismAI Fellowship is a global, collaborative programme that brings together journalists and technologists from around the world to use artificial intelligence technologies to enhance journalism and its processes.

We invite applications for the fourth cohort of the JournalismAI Fellowship. This year we will focus primarily on projects that envision using GenAI.

Up to 30 journalists and technologists will be selected to join the 2024 Fellowship cohort and work together over the course of seven months (April to November).

We invite applications from candidates working in news organisations anywhere in the world (although if you are outside of GMT-6 and GMT+8, it will be logistically challenging to participate fully). To take part in the programme, you need to have some experience working on products and/or stories that involve the use of AI technologies.

We’ve designed the programme so that fellows keep their jobs while they dedicate 8 hours a week to the Fellowship. Teams will be given financial support for project expenses, as well as mentorship and coaching from experts in the JournalismAI community.


To apply, click here


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