Journalism fund Money Trail Grants for Investigative Journalism 2020

Application Deadline: June 15, 2020

The program seeks journalists who want to investigate cross-border illicit financial flows, money laundering, tax abuse and corruption.

In Money Trail, offers working grants for African, Asian and European journalists to investigate cross-border illicit financial flows, tax abuse and corruption in Africa, Asia and Europe. Grants are awarded to journalists solely by, with no input or oversight at any stage from the consortium as a whole. This working grants project is part of a larger Money Trail project.


  • The total available amount per application round is around 50,000 Euro: this amount is distributed among different projects. The money comes from the Dutch Nationale Postcode Loterij.


  • Open to intercontinental journalist teams from Africa, Asia and Europe;
  • Regional cross-border collaborations in Africa and Asia;
  • Exceptional proposals from individual journalists in Africa and Asia whose story includes an offshore element in a national story – where the money trail leads to a tax haven – can be accepted;
  • European journalists planning on applying must collaborate with an African or Asian journalist;
  • Foreign correspondents in Africa or Asia must collaborate with local journalists.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be assessed based on 9 criteria in relative weight to each other:

  • Added value compared to mainstream coverage / a forgotten story
  • Relevance in society
  • Originality and innovative ideas, research methods
  • Feasibility
  • Experience of the applicants, references
  • Saleability, newsworthiness
  • Work effort requirement
  • Cross-border stories, cooperation between colleagues in different countries, pooling research capacity and knowledge
  • Being a watchdog of institutions, policies, money


In order to be eligible for application, the journalists have to ensure that their story will be published. Therefore, during the application procedure, you must upload commitment of publication from relevant media organisations.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Money Trail Grants.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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