Global Good Fund Fellowship Program 2021 for Emerging Leaders and Entrepreneurs

Application Deadline: June 30, 2020

The Global Good Fund Fellowship is a 12-month program supporting the leadership development of social enterprise leaders across the globe. They identify high-potential leaders and accelerate their success through proprietary development methods.

Following a rigorous 3-stage process, selected Global Good Fund Fellows embark on a structured 12-month journey of experiential learning, leadership development coaching, and executive mentoring that leverages proprietary leadership development tools and methods honed since 2013.

Each Fellow is paired up with [1] dedicated professional executive coach and [1] dedicated c-suite executive who serves as a business mentor. Over a 12 month period Fellows connect with their executive coach and business mentor via phone/Skype/WhatsApp.

The Global Good Fund Fellowship is for innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders of positive social impact organizations. This program is for emerging leaders, entrepreneurs who are 40 or under, with diverse ethnic, religious, economic, geographic and gender experiences. Ideal entrepreneurs are in a leadership role, and are dedicated full-time to their organization that’s over 1-year-old.

Fellowship Elements and Benefits

•             360° Assessment – They administer the 360 MIRROR leadership assessment tool designed specifically for social entrepreneurs to  derive feedback from their board, staff, peers, and stakeholders as well as the Fellow. The Fellow will retake the leadership assessment at the end of the Fellowship and then 1, 3, 5, and 10 years post Fellowship to track his/her growth.

•             Leadership Development Plan – The results of the 360 MIRROR are used by each Fellow with his/her professional executive coach (EC). The 360 MIRROR data points combined with one-on-one executive coach interactions over 3 months result in each Fellow creating a personalized Leadership Development Plan (LDP).

•             Executive Coaching + Business Mentorship – Each Fellow is paired up with 1 dedicated professional executive coach and 1 dedicated c-suite business executive who serves as a mentor. Over the 12 month Fellowship period Fellows receive intensive 1:1 executive coaching and business mentorship sessions via phone/Skype/WhatsApp. The coach and the mentor serve as accountability partners, challenging the Fellow to complete his or her Leadership Development Plan and provide personalized and consistent support along the way.

•             Annual Summit – Fellows participate in an annual Global Good Fund Summit each spring. This 4-day event provides a platform for networking between Fellows, Executive Coaches, Business Mentors, Alumni, and The Global Good Fund staff. The Summit is a curated leadership development experience for each Fellow.

•             Targeted Funds – Each Fellow receives a $10,000 grant. These funds are to be used explicitly for the implementation of his/her Leadership Development Plan and on leadership development with a special focus on experiential learning.

•             Peer and Subject Matter Expert Network – Fellows are part of a global cohort of social entrepreneurs. The Global Good Fund facilitates regular interaction among the Fellows. Fellows are encouraged to engage each other, Alumni, and Content Experts in tackling leadership development challenges. The Global Good Fund intentionally connects Fellows with Content Experts to address specific functional, sector, or geographic issues faced by each Fellow.


The Global Good Fund Fellowship is open to social enterprise leaders based anywhere in the world, who are trying to make the world a better place through business. Ideal Fellows are dedicated to their own self-discovery and development, under 40 years of age, hold a leadership position at their social enterprise, operating for 3-5 years and demonstate coachability.

•             *Enterprise that the candidate leads is at least one-year old;

•             *Enterprise must have at least one full-time employee in addition to the candidate;

•             *Candidate is under 40 years of age (if 40 or older, explain rationale for joining fellowship);

•             *Candidate should not be currently receiving formal coaching/mentoring support;

•             *Candidate has to be in a position where s/he has decision making power.


The Global Good Fund creates a better world by investing in society’s most innovative entrepreneurs. Their application process is selective and highly competitive, but also inclusive, constructive and engaging.

They are accepting applications for the 2021 Fellowship from Monday, May 18 – June 30, midnight ET

Click here to apply.

For more information, visit Global Good Fund.



Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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