US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE) Partnership Projects Competition 2020-2021

Application Deadline: June 14, 2020

Through this Request for Applications (RFA), Eurasia Foundation’s (EF) U.S.-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE) invites statements of interest from U.S. organizations seeking to establish collaboration with Russian partner(s) in joint pursuit of solutions to social issues of importance to both countries.

EF is accepting statements of interest for projects that have a broad bilateral impact in the following thematic areas: Social Inclusion, Technology and Innovation for Social Good, Social Entrepreneurship, and Youth Engagement. Projects should avoid topics related to political activism or activity, or public policy reform.

EF will fund innovative ideas that leverage U.S.-Russian cooperation to implement unique solutions to pressing social problems in the above thematic areas. Projects may request EF funding for projects that focus on various topics, including but not limited to increasing involvement of youth in the social sphere and cultivating their participation in international dialogue; increasing involvement of people with disabilities in social life, employment, and sports; and creating initiatives to encourage social entrepreneurship and technological innovation.


•             Project teams may request up to $43,000 in funding for a period of up to twelve months.


•             Projects must address one or more of SEE’s four thematic areas (Social Inclusion, Technology and Innovation for Social Good, Social Entrepreneurship, and Youth Engagement).

•             Projects must include one U.S.-based partner and one Russia-based partner as implementing organizations. Lead partners may also include other organizations/individuals as additional implementers to assist with project activities as necessary.

•             Project applications must be submitted by the U.S.-based partner on behalf of the partnership. EF will only disburse funds to the U.S. lead organization to manage on behalf of the partnership.

•             Projects must achieve clear and measurable impact with equal or near-equal benefit to both the U.S. and Russia.

•             Projects must impact at least 250 direct beneficiaries in each country (500 total).

•             Projects may not directly engage in political activism, public policy reform, or the influence of public opinion.

•             Russian federal, regional, state, and local government bodies; government-funded social institutions (e.g. orphanages, nature preserves); as well as federal academic and research institutions are not eligible to serve as project partners (except for student groups, which may do so).

Evaluation Criteria

The following criteria will be used to evaluate project applications:

•             Extent of demonstrated need for the project among target groups;

•             Clarity and impact of the project objective and activities;

•             Relevance of proposed activities for achieving the project objective;

•             Overall extent of project impact in the U.S. and Russia and on collaboration between the two countries;

•             Potential for project sustainability beyond the proposed funding period;

•             Capacity of lead organizations and other project team members to successfully implement the proposed project.


The application process has two stages. The only document required in the first stage is a statement of interest.

Statements should not exceed two single-spaced pages using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Margins should be one inch or greater. While the applicant may determine the concept note’s format, please ensure that all the following questions are addressed:

1.            What is the main issue/problem?

2.            What is the project’s main objective?

3.            What are some key activities that will help the project achieve its objective?

4.            How will the project improve US-Russian collaboration?

5.            Who will be the project’s main implementing organization and Russian partner(s)?

6.            How are the applicant organization and partner(s) equipped to implement the initiative?

Click here to apply

For more information, visit US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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