New Urban Progress Non-Resident Fellowship 2020 [For German and US citizens]

Applications are invited for the New Urban Progress Non-Resident Fellowship 2020.

New Urban Progress is revitalizing transatlantic relations by sharing best practices on how urban areas can be innovative, networked, and fair. To do so, New Urban Progress (NUP) is looking for ten citizens from Germany and ten from the United States to be part of this transatlantic dialogue.

Apply today to become a New Urban Progress Fellow! The twenty Project Fellows will be the main actors of this transatlantic dialogue on the future of cities.

Roles and Tasks

  • Virtual Work Phase in Urban Labs: The Fellowship will have three virtual work phases. For the virtual work, the Project Fellows will be divided into three separate groups called “Urban Labs”: inclusive growth and innovation, networked governance and democracy, social mobility and sustainability. Each virtual work phase will have online sessions for the Project Fellows to discuss their Lab’s topic, debate the concepts, and try to integrate lessons learned from the project into their fellowship work. The first virtual working phase starts in Fall 2020, the second from April 2021 to September 2021, and the third in Fall 2021. During the three virtual work phases, there will be online communication between the Project Fellows to collaborate on their Urban Lab work.
  • Delegation Trips to Germany and the United States: To gather empirical evidence and to find inspiration, the Project Fellows will go on two delegation trips, in order to discover urban initiatives on democracy, social mobility and innovation in Germany and the US. The Project Fellows will travel to Germany in March 2021 and visit Berlin, Leipzig, and cities throughout the Ruhr Valley. In September 2021, the Project Fellows will travel to Washington DC, Pittsburgh and Austin. The Project Fellows will produce social media posts and other content throughout the trips. Both trips will be financially covered by New Urban Progress. A videographer will join the delegation trips in Germany and the United States to produce a film showcasing the travels, featuring both the Project Fellows as well as the initiatives they encounter on their journey.
  • Urban Policy Briefs: During the Fellowship, each Project Fellow will be expected to co-write one of the three thematic policy briefs, according to their chosen field of interest. These papers will summarize the outcomes of the work in each Urban Lab, based on the online exchanges, supplementary research, and delegation trips. The Policy Briefs will act as the project’s main content and will be published on the New Urban Progress website, in addition to being shared widely throughout the networks.
  • Building a New Urban Progress Platform: Project Fellows will also be encouraged to contribute to the creation of a networked online platform facilitating the debate on urban issues in the US and Germany. They can publish op-eds, testimonies as well as showcase their professional accomplishments and community work to audiences in both countries by submitting blog posts in various forms.
  • Closing Conferences: Let the world see you! In 2022 there will be two closing conferences: in Hamburg and Chicago. During these events, all three Policy Briefs will be presented and they will premier the film produced by and with the Project Fellows.


You are eligible to apply if

  • You are a researcher, journalist, academic, practitioner, a community organizer, start-up founder, metro-level problem solver or work in city administration.
  • You are a leader of tomorrow in local civic engagement and/or public policy.
  • You are a citizen of the United States or Germany under the age of 40.
  • You can commit to a two-year Fellowship that will include virtual work and road trips through the United States and Germany to visit and engage with innovative urban areas.
  • You have excellent command of the English language as well as strong communication skills, both written and oral.

How to Apply

They are accepting applications from German and US citizens on a rolling basis until July 14. The New Urban Progress Fellowship will last from Fall 2020 to Summer 2022.

Click here to apply

Application Deadline: July 14, 2020


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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