IDRC/GPE Call for proposals: Generating and Mobilizing Innovative Knowledge for Regional Education Challenges 2020

Application Deadline: September 30, 2020

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) invite proposals from individual organizations or consortia of multiple organizations, for projects to generate and mobilize knowledge so national education systems in developing country contexts can address shared policy challenges related to improving access, quality and the performance of their systems.

Projects funded through this call will:

•        Scan for and identify relevant approaches and innovations to address shared policy challenges;

•        Adapt and test those approaches to assess how to scale positive impacts in GPE-member countries; and

•        Mobilize knowledge and build capacity to improve the uptake of approaches in policy and practice.

Priority Areas

This call is designed to respond to the demands of GPE member countries for knowledge and innovation. In this call, proposals are invited to address one or more of the following four policy challenges shared among GPE member countries in West and Central Africa and the Indian Ocean:

•        Pre- and in-service teacher training and development;

•        Offering chances for out-of-school children and youth;

•        Promoting gender equality and girls’ success in school; and

•        Quality bilingual and pluri-lingual teaching and learning.


•        KIX will allocate CA$7.75 million through this call, with individual projects receiving funding between CA$750,000 and CA$1.20 million.

•        Projects can be up to 33 months in duration.

•        Proposals deemed high quality but not approved for funding may be retained for additional 12 months, based on applicant permissions, in the event that additional funds become available.


•        Open to individual Southern organizations based in Africa.

•        Groups of up to three organizations working in a consortium. Proposals from consortia must name one lead organization, which can subgrant to additional organizations. The lead organization must be a Southern organization based in Africa. Other consortium members may include members from Africa; national, regional or international offices of multi-lateral organizations or international NGOs; or other organizations from outside Africa.

•        Private Sector: Proposals from or that include private sector partners are welcome. Such applications should demonstrate how private sector resources–financial or technical knowhow-will contribute to the project, in partnership with others.


All applications should be submitted in French or English, using the online IDRC application.

The online application will ask applicants to provide:

•        The project title

•        Policy challenge

•        Countries of focus

•        Project summary in plain language

•        Contact information of the project leader and co-applicants (if applicable)

•        The rationale for the consortium (if applicable)

Click here to apply

For more information, visit IDRC/GPE.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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