Co-Creation Hub Music-Tech Innovation Challenge 2020

Application Deadline: October 16, 2020

Applications are invited for the Co-Creation Hub (CcHub) Music-Tech Innovation Challenge 2020. The Music-Tech Innovation Challenge is a competition aimed at identifying and developing innovative solutions across four opportunity areas in the Nigerian music industry that can benefit from the application of technology.

Key Opportunity Areas:

•        Label Management

•        Legal advisory for artists

•        Artist Management

•        Event Management

Ideation Workshops

Interested applicants are advised to attend at least one of the virtual ideation workshops. These workshops, moderated by CcHUB and key music industry experts will ensure that startups and teams understand the purpose of the challenge and are able to submit applications that are fit for purpose. The key experts for this challenge include:

1.       Audu Maikori: Tue, Sep 15, 2pm WAT

2.       Uduak Oduok: Thu Sep 16, 5pm WAT

3.       Godwin Tom: Fri, Sep 18, 2pm WAT

4.       Wale Davies: Mon, Sep 21, 2pm WAT

These workshops will cover:

•        In-depth problem identification and clarification (for each opportunity area) by the industry experts.

•        Tips on the selection criteria.

•        General Q&A sessions.


•        Support: The winning teams will receive technical support to build out their products as well as access to market/potential clients.

•        Funding: There will be the possibility of funding for exceptional teams that demonstrate potential to scale through direct funding from CcHUB.


•        Open to startups or teams with a working prototype (solution demo) to submit applications, technologies, tools, services or any other kind of digital innovation, in line with the identified opportunity areas.


Application forms will become available after the final Ideation Workshop. Please register for any of the workshops here.

For more information, visit Music-Tech Innovation Challenge.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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