HERE Technologies’ 30-day Virtual Hackathon

Applications are invited to join the HERE Technologies’ 30-day Virtual Hackathon and use location and other disruptive technologies to build innovative solutions to respond to the current & future needs of society following the impact of COVID-19.

We are facing a challenging time – the global COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of millions of people and has changed the structure of societies and the way we do things in an unprecedented way.

Doing things the way we once did is no longer an option. Our families, friends, colleagues and the broader community need solutions to adapt to our new changing reality.

As a call to action, HERE Technologies in Partnership with IBM and many other global and local organisations, are organising the #HackForBetterDays, a fully online, 30-day virtual hackathon across Asia Pacific!

They require enthusiastic and innovative individuals and teams to come together to use location and other disruptive technologies to build useful apps and solutions that can:

  • Respond to the needs of the society related to the issues currently being experienced.
  • Improve the affected functions of society (e.g. school closures, gatherings restrictions, shops closing, etc) during the recovery process.
  • Support governments and agencies to better respond to large scale disruptive events such as COVID-19 pandemic. The society needs and issues to address may include but not limited to protecting the vulnerable population, helping the health care system, issues related to education, future of work, mental health and well-being etc.

Entry Challenges

Applicants can participate in the #Hackathon by joining these challenges:

Build an App challenge – Create an app using location and other disruptive technologies to help your community.

Build a Map Challenge – Use HERE studio tool to build an informative and interactive map for your community to create situational awareness.

  • You can participate in either or both.


A total cash prize of US$12,500, plus other merchandises up to US$4,200. This excludes the category prizes from the hack partners which will be announced during the hack period.

Build an App

  • First place – USD $5,000
  • Second place – USD $3,500
  • Third place – USD $2,000
  • Regional winners – Merchandise Prize pack from HERE Technologies and other partners
  • Partner Category prizes

Build a Map

  • First place – USD $1,000
  • Second place – USD $500
  • Third place – USD $500
  • Fourth & fifth places – HERE T-shirt
  • Partner Category prizes


  • Anyone residing in the Asia-Pacific region is eligible to participate.
  • You should be registered for the hack to be able to participate.
  • Participants MUST be at age of majority where they reside at the time of entry.
  • Teams for the app challenge can consist of 1-7 people, the map challenge is an individual effort.
  • Each participant MUST NOT be a part of multiple teams.
  • If you’re part of a team that’s building an app, you can still participate in the ‘build a map’ competition.
  • Your submissions should address judging criteria for that challenge and through the announced submission channel.
  • Apps MUST be new and built for this hack. If you wish to use your previous code, it should be open sourced and publicly available to all other participants as of 24 April 2020.
  • Code review for winning teams may be required following the submissions.
  • To be eligible for partners’ category prizes, you should nominate your project for them during your submission.
  • Use of location services other than those provided by HERE Technologies is not permitted.

Whether you are an innovator, designer, software developer, data scientist, educator, or if you simply have ideas to help your community, we encourage you to get involved in the hack. We believe every person can have a role in this crisis and there’s an opportunity to cooperate with others to improve the lives of many.

There is no entry fee and no purchase is required to participate in this Hackathon.

Eligible Countries: Brunei Darussalam, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, China,  Guam,Hong Kong-China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Laos,  Macau-China,  Malaysia, Mongolia, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paracel Islands, Philippines, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Spratly Islands, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States Of Micronesia), Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Pitcairn, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis, Futuna, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal.

How to Apply

Click here to join the hackaton



Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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