Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice Women PeaceMakers Fellowship Program 2020/2021 for women peacebuilders

Application Deadline: 24 May 2020

The Women PeaceMakers fellowship offers a unique opportunity for local women peacebuilders to engage in a cycle of learning, practice, research and strengthening of peacebuilding partnerships through participation in a 12-month fellowship. By co-developing evidence based and data driven solutions, through this fellowship the women and organizations at the center of our most serious peacebuilding challenges demonstrate why they are best positioned to influence positive change.  

During the 12-month fellowship with the Kroc IPJ, Fellows will:

  • Learn from and with other leading Fellows and the Kroc School’s team; 
  • Gain new perspectives, support and innovative approaches to peacebuilding; 
  • Expand their professional peacebuilding networks;
  • Drive forward vital peacebuilding research that focuses on shifting practice and policy.

The Women PeaceMaker program is based at the University of San Diego’s Kroc School of Peace Studies.

Applicants for the Women PeaceMakers Fellowship must: 

  • Have worked for 10+ years as a peacebuilder and have worked directly in their local peacebuilding contexts;
  • Demonstrates peacebuilding/peacemaking skills and attitudes; 
  • Be in a position to participate in all activities during the 12-month fellowship and apply what is learned at the conclusion of the residency program; 
  • Has worked directly with an international peacebuilding organizations on the 2020/2021 year’s focus (see above);
  • Demonstrate local credibility and a strong social network within her country/community of practice; 
  • Speak sufficient English to relate personal experiences. 

This fellowship will include the following four streams of work:

  1. Residency
  2. Learning Lab Retreat 
  3. Local Insight Sharing and Partnership Building Project
  4. Developing and Driving Forward Applied Research Outputs

Throughout all four streams of work the Kroc IPJ Research Team will be learning from and with Fellows, and documenting key insights to inform larger-scale women, peace and security change processes. Below maps out each of the above in more detail, including dates, location and what stream of work the Fellow will be included in. 

**PLEASE NOTE: The Kroc IPJ expects selected Fellows to actively participate in all of the below activities during the 12-month fellowship.**

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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