AfOx-HIP Call for Applications: AfOx Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scheme

Application deadline March 31, 2021.

The Africa Oxford Health Innovation Platform (AfOx-HIP) is a multi-disciplinary programme to support African innovators develop new solutions to Africa’s health challenges. It does so by connecting research to industry to tackle prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment through impact investment and innovation. AfOx-HIP is a University of Oxford collaborative platform supported by key researchers and led by the Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx). 

This call for applications is for the AfOx Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scheme. AfOx-HIP will work with African innovators in the co-development of skills ranging from creative problem solving, translational research, entrepreneurship, and venture acceleration. AfOx-HIP is open to working in any scientific discipline, including outside life sciences and engineering sciences, and any type of technology leading to the creation of solutions towards disease prevention, diagnosis, management, and treatment.

Successful applicants will be provided with further details of the training. It is expected that the entire cycle from virtual training for the 50 outstanding innovators through to the Oxford-based support for the 15 top projects, will be complete before April 2022. 


  • Applicant must be a national of an African country or have indefinite leave to remain in an African country, domiciled in an African country in which they must be a legal resident and developing the proposed health innovation in their host country.
  • Applications from female and under-represented innovator/entrepreneurs are highly encouraged. 

What is on offer?

AfOx-HIP will work with African innovators in the co-development of skills ranging from creative problem solving, translational research, entrepreneurship, and venture acceleration.

50 outstanding emerging African researchers and innovators

AfOx-HIP will identify 50 outstanding emerging African researchers and innovators, proposing new solutions for health and facilitate their interaction with partners across Oxford, for the AfOx Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scheme.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health for Africa

Successful applicants will benefit from a relevant and robust teaching course on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health for Africa. The course is delivered through a series of web-based sessions, available to all 50 candidates, creating an interactive network, including the use of virtual workrooms.

15 innovators will be awarded AfOx Innovation for personalized support

At the end of the virtual course, an enhanced programme for 15 candidates with projects with the highest potential for further development, will be provided (top 15 of the 50 projects). The 15 innovators will be awarded AfOx Innovation for personalized support in Oxford to meet specific needs for mentorship and technical collaborative support.


An alumni network for AfOx Innovation fellows to facilitate continued engagement with Oxford and its wider network


This call for applications is for the AfOx Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scheme. Applications should be submitted through the AfOx on-line submission portal at the latest by 23:59 BST, Wednesday 31 March 2021. Outcomes of the application will be communicated in May 2021.

Successful applicants will be provided with further details of the training. It is expected that the entire cycle from virtual training for the 50 outstanding innovators through to the Oxford-based support for the 15 top projects, will be complete before April 2022.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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