Call for Pitches for Journalistic Stories on Whistleblowing

Deadline: December 31, 2024

Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection is announcing a second round for story ideas about whistleblowing and whistleblowers. The goal is to stimulate the journalists in the region to use whistleblowers as good source of information, and the whistleblowers to see media and journalists as good partner in combating organize crime and corruption.

The story ideas are expected to include but are not limited to:

  • How the national laws for whistleblowing protection are implemented in these countries.
  • Are there examples of good or bad implementation of whistleblowers protection measures.
  • Does the national whistleblower legislation need an improvement.
  • What are the burdens and obstacles whistleblowers and media face in these countries.
  • How these countries secure the potential of whistleblowers as reliable and trustworthy source for media.
  • Which are the areas where whistleblowing can prevent corruption and organized crime.
  • What is the whistleblowing culture; How the negative attitudes/opinions on whistleblowing are addressed.
  • What are the challenges that journalists in the region face when working with whistleblowers.
  • Are there examples of good and powerful cooperation between media and whistleblowers.
  • Are there examples of powerful whistleblowing and whistleblowers, and how they keep the authorities accountable.


  • The Coalition will pay $500 for an article of 1200 to 1500 words produced exclusively for Whistleblowing Chronicles after the pitch is approved.

Eligible countries

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine.


The story ideas (in English) should be up to 300 words and should consist of:

  • Working headline
  • A few paragraphs describing the main points of the story
  • A short description of protagonists and sources


To apply, e-mail your story ideas together with a short bio note to:


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