Go-Together EdTech Accelerator 2025

Deadline: Unspecified

Applications for the Go-Together EdTech Accelerator 2025 are now open. By actively supporting EdTech startups to thrive and generate even greater value, Go-Together seeks to amplify the positive impact EdTech brings to the society.

The objective of Go-Together programme is to empower startups through a structured two-phase process:

Phase 1: (4 Weeks) – Diagnosis

  • The fundamental aim is to conduct a precise evaluation of the startup’s essential competencies, understanding each startup’s strengths and areas that require enhancement. This analysis assists startups in pinpointing critical competencies and specific tasks that align with their goals. When developing a strategy to reach these goals, they take into account the current status of the business, the team’s competencies and strengths, and external factors. This comprehensive approach allows startups to craft a tailored strategy for the following 20-week acceleration phase that targets the key focus areas.

Phase 2: (20 Weeks) – Acceleration

  • The 20-week acceleration phase is pivotal for startups to transition from their current As-Is state to the desired To-Be state, executing and refining strategies developed during the 4-week diagnosis phase to achieve the set objectives. During this phase, startups engage in weekly 1:1 coaching session with designated coaches to track their development and actively evolve their strategies in response to new insights and unexpected challenges.
  • Unlike mentorship or consulting where the solutions and instructions are often provided, our coaches use strategic questioning to guide startups into critical thinking and self-guided problem-solving. This coaching method ensures that startups maintain a clear focus on their key objectives while proactively navigating the dynamic business environment.


Weekly 1:1 Coaching

  • After each coaching session, the coaches complete the Coaching Report, an integral component of this phase that facilitates continuous improvement for both startups and DOHE.
  • It provides a structured record of discussions, goals, actions, and milestones, supporting startups in maintaining a clear focus on their objectives and enabling them to refine their programme offerings.
  • This report is crucial in ensuring that startups stay aligned with their strategic direction and allows organisers to tailor their support to meet startups’ specific needs.


  • Aside from the individual coaching, the programme includes group workshops and webinars on shared topics to address key areas of interest and challenge for the startups. Led by field experts, these group activities provide diverse collective learning opportunities.

Expert Guidance

  • Furthermore, the programme provides additional expert guidance to each startup depending on their specific needs to ensure tailor-made support.


  • Open to EdTech Startups.
  • The founders must have identified a specific problem they want to solve and developed a competitive solution that addresses their problem.
  • The founders are fully committed to their startups and are able to engage with the 24-week programme without the distraction of other professional commitments.
  • The founders want to strengthen their startup’s foundational growth through the programme, instead of seeking to secure immediate funding.


Click here to apply

For more information, visit Go-Together EdTech Accelerator


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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