Call for Research Proposals: Global Development Awards Competition 2020

Application Deadline: September 30, 2020

The Global Development Network (GDN) invites researchers from low-income or middle-income countries to submit research proposals within the theme, ‘Unpacking the health-environment-economic wellbeing nexus,’ for the Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development (ORD).

The Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development is a competitive research grant program under the Global Development Awards Competition 2020. The Awards Competition is administered by GDN and supported by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan. This award program identifies and funds outstanding research proposals in low-income or middle-income countries with high potential for excellence in research and clear policy implications for addressing development issues.

Proposals under this theme would look critically at policy successes and failures to look at the complex intersection of health, environment and economic wellbeing. Research projects can focus on local, national, regional or continental policy initiatives, and come from any discipline within the social sciences. Proposals can focus on ongoing policy initiatives, past ones, or initiatives currently being set up.

A direct link to the COVID-19 crisis is welcome, but not required. In light of the quickly changing scenario, proposals that integrate a focus on COVID-19 and related policy responses must explain how the quickly changing policy landscape is likely to impact the focus of the research.


The three winning projects will receive grants worth US$ 45,000.

In light of current Covid-19 crisis and related travel limitations, the selection will be conducted online. Finalists will be invited to join a communications training in preparation of a pitch of their project in front of a high-level Jury, which will decide which research proposal to award. A physical Award ceremony might be held in 2021, if conditions allow it, but projects are expected to start on 15 Jan 2021. The awards will be given to the organization(s) or researcher(s) whose proposals hold the greatest promise for improving our understanding of development issues and puts forth clear, articulate and well researched policy implications to address relevant development problems.

•        The first prize winner will receive a grant of US$ 30,000.

•        The second prize and third prize winners will receive a grant of US$ 10,000 and US$ 5,000 respectively.

•        The funds will be used to support the research work proposed by the winners towards the completion of their research.

•        Additionally, awardees will be paired with world-class academic in their area of work who will play the role of a Scientific and Technical Advisor to the winners


•        Eligible countries for the ORD competition are those classified by the World Bank as low-income or middle-income countries.

o       The competition is open only to researchers who are citizens or permanent residents of these countries.

o       The applicants (including team members) can be asked to submit proof of their citizenship and residency through documents with legal standing, at any point during the competition.

o       Please note that all personal information details as provided in the application (and CV) should be factually correct, else the application will be liable for disqualification. The information on the Identity Card will remain strictly confidential with GDN.

•        Citizens of eligible countries currently residing in a non-eligible country are only allowed to apply if they have been living in the non-eligible country for no more than five years as of 20 July 2020. This should be clearly shown as in the CV and personal information should be provided. In case any information is found to be incorrect, the proposal is liable for disqualification during any stage of the competition, including after the grant has been conferred.

•        CVs for all team members must be included in the application. The CVs should clearly state the age of all team members, the citizenships for all team members and the country of residence for the past five years for all team members and the current institutional affiliations for all team members. These details are mandatory, and an application will be deemed incomplete if these details are not submitted.

•        The upper age limit for all applicants is 45 years as of 20 July 2020. Individuals above 45 years of age as of 20 July 2020 are not eligible to apply.

•        The proposal should not be receiving or scheduled to receive funds from other sources to be eligible for consideration for the ORD unless it is clearly explained how the additional funds provided by the ORD would reinforce the existing funds for successful completion of the research.


•        Staff members of multilateral and bilateral organizations (The World Bank, IMF, IADB, UN agencies, UKAid , etc.) are not eligible to apply.

•        Previous and current employees of GDN or its Regional Network Partners are not eligible to apply up till 5 years from the completion of their tenure. Previous GDN Board Members, project mentors and members of evaluation teams are not eligible to apply.

•        Similar proposals or papers resulting as products from full or partial GDN funded activities (Global Research Projects and other competitions not limited to Regional Research Competitions, Global Research Competitions etc.), cannot be submitted for this competition.

•        Past ORD winners and finalists are not eligible to apply with the same or similar research proposal. Additionally, winners are not eligible to apply for a period of 3 years subsequent to the end of their agreement with GDN.

•        Past and current ORD reviewers are not eligible to take part in the competition.


Click here to apply.

For more information, visit Global Development Awards


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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