2020 Climate Tracker Research Training for Young Media Personnel in Southeast Asia ($400 USD Monthly)

Climate Tracker is currently inviting applications for people with media experience to co-design a regional media analysis of Coal across Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.

Participants will undergo two weeks of custom-designed training and online mentorship, before they dive into a national media analysis like nothing that has come before.

The Training:

During the training, participants will receive cutting-edge training on Media Research over the course of two weeks with an online course and one-on-one mentorship by a Climate Tracker’s Founder, Chris Wright.

During this period, participants will be working with other leading journalists and editors from the region to learn how to:

  • Develop and manage database practices
  • Assess research ethics standards and limitations
  • Map out research plans and timelines
  • Get the best interviews possible
  • Analyze collected data critically
  • Report findings


To be eligible, applicants must have:

  • At least 1-2 years media or communications experience.
  • Research experience and experience in the environmental field (this will be a bonus)
  • Applicants must be living in The Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia
  • Must be 23 – 35 years old when applying.
  • Must be able to speak, understand and analyze in both their national language and English
  • Applicants with full-time jobs are most welcome. They’re expected to get involved as a side-job with flexible time-commitments.


  • At the end of the course, the top participant from each country will be selected as the Media Researcher to take part in the exciting opportunity of researching the coverage of coal and clean energy issues in the dominant media landscape.
  • Winners will earn up to $400/month as a media researcher and get published on a co-authored book about the media landscape of coal coverage to be used by leading publications, NGOs, and journalists worldwide.


  • May 21 – June 11: Participants from Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines will be invited to apply to this our opportunity
  • June 15 – 28: Participants will undergo 2 weeks of online Media Research training and mentorship
  • June – August: The top participant from each country will be selected for the paid Media Research opportunity
  • September: Findings from the research will be published in a regional Media Analysis.

Application Guidelines

  • Applicants must submit their CV by June 11th (in PDF format via a Google Drive or Dropbox link) and show their history in media experience and why they’d be the best persons for this opportunity. (The viewing settings are set to open).
  • Participants must be able to analyze articles in both their national language and English.

How to Apply

Click here to apply

Application Deadline: June 11, 2020


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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