Congressional Fellowship APAICS

53180334994_b7c6f2f69a_o.jpgProgram Overview

The APAICS Congressional Fellowship is for applicants looking to start careers in government service. Through a nine-month placement on Capitol Hill with a congressional office or committee, fellows participate in the legislative process and get a front-row seat to our democracy in action. More importantly, APAICS fellows will develop expertise in a particular subject matter and build a professional network they will carry with them throughout their careers.

Applicants with a particular interest in the following subject areas can apply to work on the following policy areas specifically: aerospace & defense, health policy, or clean energy & innovation.

2024-2025 Congressional Fellowship Program Dates: September 03, 2024 – May 30, 2025

Application Deadline: January 26, 2024, 11:59 pm ET

Location: Washington, D.C. 

2024-2025 APAICS Congressional Fellowship Tracks

Aerospace & Defense Track

The Aerospace & Defense track is suited for applicants who want to gain deeper policy knowledge related to national security, defense, and the armed services. Applicants must have demonstrated academic or professional interest in these areas or related fields to be considered for this track. This opportunity is sponsored by Raytheon.

Health Policy Track

The Health Policy track is best for applicants seeking to develop expertise in public health, prescription drug pricing, and federal programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Applicants must have demonstrated academic or professional interest in these policy areas or related fields to be considered for this track. This opportunity is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson.

Clean Energy & Innovation Track

The Clean Energy & Innovation track is for applicants who want to dive deeper into environmental policy, gaining knowledge in the areas of clean energy, technological innovation, and federal programs addressing climate change. Applicants must have demonstrated academic or professional interest in these policy areas or related fields to be considered for this track. This opportunity is sponsored by Breakthrough Energy.

​For more information, click here

To apply, click here


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