Green Talents 2020 – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development

Application Deadline: 19 May 2020, 2 p.m.

Every year, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) hosts the prestigious Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development to promote the international exchange of innovative green ideas from various fields of research. The award, under the patronage of Minister Anja Karliczek, honours young researchers each year. The winners come from numerous countries and scientific disciplines and are recognised for their outstanding achievements in making our societies more sustainable. Selected by a jury of German experts, the award winners are granted unique access to the country’s research elite.

Are you a young sustainability researcher looking to further develop your innovative ideas? Does your research have the potential to make this earth a better place? Tell us why you should become one of 25 Green Talents this year and take the chance to show us how your research is connected to the Sustainable Development Goals in your application. The award is open to all disciplines!


Applicants must meet the following mandatory requirements:

  • Enrolment in a master’s or PhD programme or a degree (master’s/PhD) completed no more than three years before the end of the application process
  • No more than three years of professional work experience (this excludes professional work experiences gained within the scope of an academic degree)
  • Strong focus on sustainable development and an interdisciplinary approach in any field of sustainability research
  • Proven excellent command of English
  • Significantly above-average grades
  • Not a German citizen nor a resident of Germany (individuals therefore not eligible to apply: German passport holders as well as anyone living in Germany at the time of application even if the residence is temporary)


  • The prestigious Green Talents programme offers you the unique opportunity to become part of an exceptional world-wide network of outstanding young minds and leading German institutions. The first part of the prize consists of an invitation to a two-week Science Forum in Germany, where you will be introduced to renowned research facilities and have individual meetings with experts (individual appointments).
  • When selected as a “Green Talent”, you will be invited to a two-week Science Forum in Germany (which takes place in October). This means that the BMBF will cover your travel expenses (to/from Germany and during the trip) as well as your meals and accommodation during the Science Forum. Costs for health insurance and visa fees cannot be covered and must be paid by the participants.
  • Here you will learn about potential collaborations and experience the country’s excellent research infrastructure at close hand. In addition, a workshop on research and funding opportunities will provide you with further information for your future research stay in Germany. The journey will culminate in a festive award ceremony hosted by a high-level representative from the BMBF.

You will have the opportunity to return to Germany for up to three months to conduct a research stay at an institute of your choice the year after the Science Forum. Learn more about how the Green Talents story continues for the awardees when they return to Germany for their research stays.

The Science Forum and the extended research stay will be fully financed by the BMBF.

Application Process

The application consists of the following four parts:

  • Forms with personal information and questions about your academic and professional career, including details about university degrees, research work, lists of publications, etc. You must also indicate, which SDG your research is contributing to. You will not have to upload a CV.
  • Questions regarding your motivation to participate in the Science Forum (we recommend that you write your answers in advance and simply copy them into the text fields):
    • Please briefly explain your actual research by showing how it relates to sustainable development and demonstrate your interdisciplinary interest.
    • What new perspective are you providing to sustainability research? What is your professional goal?
    • How is your research/work related to sustainability science in Germany? Please also indicate which of the institutions in this year’s Science Forum are most relevant to you and why.
    • What do you expect to gain from the Green Talents Award for your future career?

·  Questions regarding your scientific qualification. We kindly ask to uplaod your latest FINAL graduation certificate as well as your latest course record. Full academic transcripts are required, because they convey important information, such as specifics about the composition of the study programme, credit requirements and student performance. If you have only recently started a post-graduate study programme (Master or PhD), please upload your graduation certificate as well as a confirmation of matriculation.

·  Questions regarding your publications and patents. You are not asked to hand in full articles. We merely require a list of books/chapters/articles you (co-)authored. Therefore, please complete the Excel template you find during the application process and list your publications in chronological order, naming titles, potential co-authors, publisher and context (book/chapter/article/conference paper etc.).

  • Include articles/papers that have been submitted but have not yet been approved.
  • Exclude articles/papers under preparation.

If you want to join the Green Talents community, apply here for the Green Talents Competition 2020 until 19 May 2020, 2 p.m. CEST. If you have any questions about eligibility or the general application process, please refer to our FAQ section.

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