Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Fellowship 2025

Deadline: October 15, 2024

Applications are open for the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Fellowship 2025. Each year, approximately 20 scholars are invited to the Institute for residential fellowships. About half of those invited work on the year’s designated theme, and half on other projects. The school welcomes applications from junior and senior scholars across a wide range of fields in the social sciences and related disciplines. The 2025-2026 theme is Digital (In) Equality.


  • Members (as Institute fellows are known) have access to campus resources and facilities, including offices, libraries, subsidized dining services, and housing.


  • You must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent, awarded not later than October 15th of the year in which you are applying (i.e. the IAS application deadline).
  • Fellowship is residential and for the full academic year (September–May). You must be committed to the fellowship.


  • Online application form
  • Research proposal (up to 4 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Writing sample (up to 50 pages)


To apply, click here


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