International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) Knight Fellowships 2024

Deadline: February 29 2024

The one-year fellowship program nurtures groundbreaking media projects that address challenges in the fellows’ home regions and helps share those innovations internationally. In 2024, the ICFJ Knight Fellows will include one or two U.S.-based fellows to focus on the intersection of international and U.S. information needs.

Fellows will be provided with a monthly honorarium and professional expenses so you make your fellowship projects your primary focus. Work outside the fellowship that relates to or feeds into the project is allowed.

Thematic Areas

  • How AI can serve journalism.
  • Creating communities and resources for journalists in exile.
  • Serving the information needs of diaspora communities in the United States.
  • Combating disinformation, especially around elections.
  • Covering climate change innovatively.
  • Creating networks of shared services or infrastructure to help independent journalism thrive.


  • Funding support.
  • Mentorship.
  • Access to a network of media professionals.
  • Opportunities for training and international exposures.


  • Open to journalists with at least three years of professional experience.
  • Applicant should have a track record of impactful journalistic work.


Applicants are required to submit a detailed project proposal outlining your project’s objectives, the innovative elements of your approach, and the expected outcomes. A draft budget for the project is also required. Applicants should also demonstrate how your past work supports your proposed fellowship project and a plan for sustaining the project when your fellowship ends.
To apply, click here


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