Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering 2023

Nominations for the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering 2023 are now open. The QEPrize seeks nominations from the public that celebrate a wide variety of engineering innovations across all sectors of the profession, and a breadth of nominators from all corners of the globe.

The prize is the world’s most prestigious engineering accolade, awarded to up to five engineers responsible for a bold, groundbreaking engineering innovation of global benefit to humanity.

Engineering benefits us in all aspects of life and the boundaries are constantly changing. The QEPrize reflects this and includes all disciplines and sectors. The fruits of engineering range from nano-scale devices that get medicines to where they are needed in the body to the world’s biggest – and greenest – buildings; from the pinpoint accuracy of robots that perform heart surgery to the proliferation of ever-faster multiplatform broadband applications; from hi-tech fabrics to make the smart clothes of the future to new, clean and green sources of energy to power the world. And engineering also promotes the sharing of ideas and information, empowering the desire for freedom, security and a better quality of life.


  • A £500,000 prize is awarded to one individual, or a team of up to five people, responsible for a ground-breaking innovation in engineering that has been of global benefit to humanity.


  • The QEPrize is international and open to any nationality.
  • Nominations and suggestions are welcomed from across the world. The only limitations are that self-nomination and posthumous nomination are not allowed.

Judging Criteria

The judges will use these criteria to select the winner, or winners, of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering:

  • What is it that this person has done (or up to five people have done) that is a ground-breaking innovation in engineering?
  • In what way has this innovation been of global benefit to humanity?
  • Is there anyone else who might claim to have had a pivotal role in this development?


Click here to nominate

For more information, visit Queen Elizabeth Prize.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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