UNDP Armenia’s ImpactAIM Climate Change Tech Accelerator 2020

Application Deadline: July 15, 2020

The CCTA 2020 brings together technological and innovative ideas, solutions, and products from all over the world to join efforts in reshaping the energy sector for SDGs and contributing to the energy security of countries.

The Accelerator provides the right resources, mentorship & support for startups ready to accelerate their success. By leveraging the unique global network and expertise of UNDP CCTA aims to scale up the impact of ventures to target the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2020 Challenges

  • Artificial Intelligence for Energy Demand Management
  • Passive and Smart living environments
  • Efficient Heating and/or Cooling Solutions
  • Hydrogen Energy
  • Microgrids Based on Renewable Energy
  • Reduction of losses in transmission and transformation systems


CCTA 2020 Accelerator is a 16-week intensive training and mentorship program that will lead the technology startups to become investment and market ready by providing the following benefits:

  • Business Development Support: Participating startups will be guided in all phases of business development, including development of product/service, team composition, value proposition, market strategy, customer traction, business model, funding strategy, etc.
  • International Mentorship: The startups will have the opportunity to work with leading business and tech international mentors.
  • Funding is an integral part of the program: To fuel the further growth of successful ventures, the program is partnering also with ADB Ventures. ADB Ventures was established in January this year to support and invest in technology-driven businesses with significant potential to scale and deliver impact. Its inaugural ADB Ventures Investment Fund 1 has a 17-year fund life and supports early-stage and growth-stage cleantech, agricultural technology, fintech, and health technology businesses. Its focus will be on companies with solutions that can address climate change and empower women.

The most promising startups will have the opportunity to:

  • To pitch their ideas in front of the evaluating committee, who will select the ones worth monetary awards of up to USD 10,000.
  • Participate in worldwide startup targeting events (such as WebSummit, Rise Conference, etc.).
  • Implement thePILOT PROJECTS for further scaling in the market
  • Pitch face to face or online to worldwide investors.
  • Be introduced to VCs; investment channels and finance sources.


  • The program is designed for idea, pre-seed, seed, and growth stage startups as well as mature companies.
  • Startup Teams and registered companies from all over the world offering innovative technological solutions for the Energy Efficiency and Renewables sector are welcome to apply for the program.
  • Startups both from Armenia and abroad will participate in acceleration program and related activities through online and remote communication channels.​


Applicants are asked to submit online applications through the GUST platform where they will be required to fill the details of the technical and financial plans of their technology solution.

The submitted application must address the relevant CCTA2020 energy sector development challenge and estimate the results they will achieve during a proof-of-concept or pilot of their technology solution.

In short, startups are recommended to:

  • Check out the Gust Application form, to prepare the required information and documents before applying.
  • Target one of the challenges of CCTA2020 Energy Efficiency and Renewables
  • Have at least two founders in the company with a balance between tech and business skills
  • To possess a solid MVP prototype, have a clear understanding of company’s vision and defined goals
  • Prepare to show their scalable business model.

Both local and international startups, who can fill the above mentioned requirements, can apply.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit ImpactAIM Climate Change Tech Accelerator.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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