UNDP COVID-19 Detect & Protect Challenge 2020

Application Deadline: June 30, 2020

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is calling innovators to help flatten the curve through the sharing and transfer of open source technology.

As COVID-19 has shown, challenge and crisis cross borders – impacting everywhere on Earth. However, innovation and ingenuity are not constrained by geography. The COVID-19 Detect and Protect Challenge is an opportunity to find and apply the best and brightest of humanity, wherever it may be found.

This challenge has three priority actions:

1.     Design replicable, low-cost tools to aid in coronavirus detection

2.     Flatten the curve in communities with preventive solutions

3.     Reduce the disease’s impact on economies of these vulnerable areas


•       COVID-19 Detect – Harness your skills to aid citizens and healthcare providers with everyday tools that support the diagnosis of the coronavirus and future outbreaks. Computer vision thermometers, smart oximeters, cloud-based heatmaps and apps, data science-backed insight, open source hardware, or advanced computational models — all are welcome.

•       COVID-19 Protect – Imagine and invent apparatuses that help slow down the spread of the disease. 3D-printable protective equipment, easy-to-assemble hand sanitizing dispensers, public alerts, mass broadcasting tools, contamination monitoring, rapid face mask production with advanced or everyday materials — there are no limits.


A panel of judges will review and select the top 10 open source solutions on a rolling basis through 2020.

•       Winners will receive global recognition and variety of awards for their contribution to society and humankind.

•       Using the UNDP’s vast global network and resources from all supporting partners, they’ll work with the winning creators on the best way to transfer the knowledge to those who need it most.

In addition:

•       AWS is giving away $200 worth of credits for 100 of the best projects.

•       Silicon Labs is giving away 100 Thunderboard Sense 2 to be used in your contest submission.

•       Balena is giving away 100 Pi-based balenaFins v1 ($200) for project creators.

•       Nordic Semiconductor is giving away 100 nRF52840 Development Kits to get your project started!

•       The Things Industries is giving away 15 The Things Indoor Gateway (TTIG) units, an ultra-low-cost LoRaWAN gateway with WiFi as the backhaul.

•       More from The Things Industries: 30 The Things Unos, the perfect board to start prototyping your IoT ideas or make existing project wireless with up to 10km range by simply swapping boards.


You are eligible to enter if you meet the following requirements at thetime of entry:

•       You are at least 13 years of age

If you are 12 years or younger, you must receive a legal guardian’s permission and have them complete Hackster’s contest permission form prior to submitting an entry into this contest. Send any questions to contests@hackster.io.http://contests@hackster.io.

•       You are not involved in the execution or administration of this contest.

•       You are not an immediate family member or household member of a Hackster employee.


•       Qualified submissions will be fully shared and open throughout the contest.

•       Project teams are welcomed and not limited to any number.

•       They are seeking open source ideas that are easy to use, build, replicated, and iterated.

•       Hackster and UNDP will work with at-risk communities to deliver the hardware, services, tools, materials, and funding they need to bring some of the best ideas to life.


Click here to apply.

For more information, visit COVID-19 D&P Challenge.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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