United Nations SDSN Youth Solutions Report 2020 Call for Applications: Youth-led Innovation for the SDGs

Application Deadline: July 29, 2020

Are you a young leader between the age of 18-30 years? Are you working towards the Sustainable Development Goals? Apply for the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth Solutions Report 2020.

The SDSN Youth empowers the next generation of innovators for the Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth (SDSN Youth) presents young leaders the global recognition, tools, training, and resources needed to scale their SDG-focused projects.


  • Applicants will receive access to powerful training tools, including the Investment Readiness Program.
  • The will also be featured in the 2020 edition of the Youth Solutions Report.


  • Applicants should be between 18 to 30 years of age;
  • You should be working towards any of the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • You may be a for-profit or non-profit organisation.

Selection Criteria

  • Relevance of the Challenge Addressed: In order to qualify, projects must seek to address a challenge which is relevant in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They must also describe why tackling said challenge will help achieve the SDGs.
  • Innovative Character of the Solution: The projects must be founded by individuals aged 15-30 and they must showcase the skills and creativity of the proponent(s). Success is not the sole factor looked at when evaluating solutions. The Youth Solutions Report aims to celebrate innovative, game-changing ideas which have the potential to build transformative change and shift the behavior of people, businesses and countries.
  • Financial Viability: Solutions must be self-sustaining in the long-term. In other words, they must be able to become financially sustainable through the resources they generate and/or the investments and donations they attract.
  • Scalability: Projects must have the potential to perform as well or better after expanding in scope or size and/or being implemented in other regions. The Youth Solutions Report looks at projects which could potentially help others beyond their immediate community.
  • Current or Potential Impact: The solutions must be effective in solving the challenge(s) it seeks to address. Ideally, they should also go beyond short- to medium-term effects and show the potential to have positive long-term consequences for the consequences for the community(ies), country(ies) or region(s) in which they operate.
  • Integrated Approach to the SDGs: The solutions should take into consideration the synergies and trade-offs among the SDGs, beyond the immediate Goal that they try to address. They should demonstrate an attempt to create positive feedback or mitigate negative impacts in other areas.


Click here to apply

For more information, visit SDSN Youth Solutions Report.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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