Vacancy: Senior Programme Assistant

Helping to solve the world’s nutritional challenges requires employing the best talents. 

We are committed to attracting, appointing and retaining highly qualified, skilled and committed professionals to work with us at GAIN.

For all functions and levels, we seek people from diverse backgrounds committed to work on improving nutrition. GAIN needs expertise in all aspects of the food system, including nutritionists, economists, technical specialists, project managers, and in a variety of professional areas, such as Finance and Administration, Legal, Information Technology, Communications and Advocacy, and Fundraising. We value experience drawn both from the private and the public/not-for-profit sectors. 

In return, we offer competitive reward packages, including generous annual leave, flexible working conditions, access to professional development, and a diverse and friendly work environment. 

Above all, we offer a positive and supportive work environment through our network of offices, currently located in 15 different countries. We work with partners to bring new ideas to the global health and nutrition communities, with farmers, private sector companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), governments and other policy stakeholders – and we focus on real impact for the communities we seek to serve. As an organisation committed to eliminating all forms of malnutrition, we seek to employ colleagues who share the vision and mission of GAIN.

When you apply for a job with us, we will review your application carefully and against our appointment criteria. We will evaluate your experience, aptitude and abilities to do the job well. We will not discriminate on the basis of personal characteristics (such as age, gender, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy, maternity or family responsibilities, political beliefs, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity). When you are invited to a formal interview, we will ensure we do not use a single person or single sex appointment panel.

Click here to apply


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