Woodrow Wilson Higher Education Media Fellowship 2020 for US Journalists

Application Deadline: May 22, 2020

The Fellowship aims to increase the number of journalists with the tools and networks to provide richer and more comprehensive coverage of post-secondary education, particularly career and technical education.

The six-month, non-residential program begins with an expense-paid post secondary career and technical education (CTE) symposium. Following the symposium, Fellows must complete a reporting project, such as a special report or series. Fellows will also attend a CTE Collaborative Convening hosted by the ECMC Foundation in the fall.

The Fellowship program is sponsored by the ECMC Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.


•             Each ECMCF Fellow in the WW Higher Ed Media Fellowship program will be awarded $10,000—$5,000 as a stipend and $5,000 towards a reporting project.


•             Open to U.S. journalists who are education beat reporters or those whose work experience includes reporting on education and associated workforce development, social, or public policy issues.

•             Fellows may be staff or professional freelance journalists.

•             Print, multimedia, radio, TV, and online editors and journalists from local and national publications and digital-only news platforms are eligible, as are freelancers who target mainstream/corporate and independent media outlets.


The Woodrow Wilson Foundation uses an online application portal which requires an account. There is no fee to apply. Once you’ve created an account, the online application includes basic personal and professional information, a statement of interest, an area to link to three work samples, and prompts to upload and request your supplemental items.

•             Statement of interest: In 500 words or less, tell your interest in pursuing this Fellowship opportunity and why you would be a good candidate.

•             Three (3) work samples: Please provide links to three work samples published within the past five years. These samples should be your best recent work. Understanding that some content may be behind a paywall, finalist will be asked to upload their work samples to a WW portal. Information for this process will be emailed to finalists.

•             Required Supplemental Materials:

o             Resumé: This is an important opportunity to showcase your excellence. There is no need to limit your résumé to one page, but the organizers ask you make it no more than two pages. The resumé should be a .PDF and the title of the file should include your first and last name but not include spaces (i.e. SmithJohnResume.pdf).

o             Two (2) Letters of Recommendation: These letters (1-2 pages in length) should evaluate your reporting interests; assess the quality of your journalistic work; explain how the award will benefit your professional development; briefly discuss your reporting qualifications; and assess your commitment to quality coverage of issues facing American education.

Click here to complete the application form

For more information, see FAQ and visit Woodrow Wilson Foundation.


Lukman Sodiq is a distinguished Social Media Manager with a proven track record in leveraging SEO and digital marketing strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement. He is proficient in crafting compelling content and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.

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